Omegas, Neuros, & Minerals, Oh My!

Introducing a new, more personalized Accentrate® product line to support brain health with targeted nutrients.
While still offering the same Brain Ready™ nutrition, this new approach allows for customization based on the individual’s needs—whether they need omega-3s, vitamins, or minerals or a combination of these.
Accentrate® was and still is an all-in-one supplement, but we have expanded the line to include three separate Omega™ products with LPC-EPA and DHA, three Neuro™ products with Brain Ready™ vitamins, and two Mineral™ products with chelated magnesium, zinc, and iron. The new products allow you to personalize nutrition for you and your family’s specific needs and offer the most targeted omega-3 fatty acid for mental health.
Our goal is to offer the ability to personalize nutrition and provide the most bioavailable form of each ingredient we use. This is why we are excited to introduce you to Accentrate® Omega! It contains lysophosphatidylcholine, which is now shown to be the most potent for brain health. This form is absorbed six times more efficiently than fish oil, reaching peak absorption faster and maintaining higher levels for longer, leading to quicker and longer-lasting results.
For those taking Accentrate® who would like to try the new Omega™ products for better absorption, you can combine Omega™ and Neuro™. For Accentrate110® users, we suggest combining Omega™ 110 and Neuro™ 110. The MZI™ formulas remain unchanged but are now renamed to Minerals™ and Minerals™ 110. Pricing remains comparable, and customers switching to the new products in 2024 can maintain the same price once the new products are available!
If you prefer to stay on the original products, you will still be able to get them — the same formula but with a new rebranded look.
Stay in the know — these new products will be coming soon!
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
- Tags: minerals new products omega-3s vitamins